It is natural for me as a feminine woman, to be attracted to and adore the masculine man who takes pleasure in caring and providing for me. Men who give, and give generously cause me to feel truly safe and cared for. And when I feel safe and cared for, I naturally further relax into my lovely womanliness and feel comfortable submitting to a man's desires of me.
An honest, generous man had told me: Men tend to cherish what they have earned or worked towards. I've personally found his statement to be true (he cherished me, along with every other man in my life who felt he had invested his time and support into me), and have as well firsthand observed this. I believe every woman can truly measure a man's affection for her, by what he's tangibly given her. Conversely, I believe every man can truly measure their affection for a woman, by what he's willing to tangibly give her / has tangibly given her.

Actions always speak louder than words. I know that no man worth knowing would ever try to take advantage of me; Nor would he ever expect me / endeavor to get me to offer anything of value I posses as a woman, before I have yet received his generous care and support.
I feel grateful for all of the generous men I have known in my life, who have helped set my expectations where they presently are by their examples, and have as well positively reinforced and reflected back to me my high conception of self as a decidedly high-value woman. I feel grateful for the generous men I will come to know.
Simply put: I adore generous men, because generous men adore me.